Sunday, July 14, 2013

E3 2013Killzone Mercenary forward its launch in PS Vita to 4 MercenarySony

We start the day 21 and disclose the next Xbox next to our vision for the future of games and, in general, the future of entertainment. We have many surprises planned. "During the fair angelina pledge to introduce a lot of exclusive:" And then a few weeks later, we go to an E3 that will be devoted entirely to video games. As a gamer, you'll see a lot of new exclusive, unedited announcements and more, and we have much to share between now and Christmas. "Live If you want to see the presentation of the new Xbox, on Tuesday May 21 at 19:00 3DJuegos.Más have an appointment in news: Xbox Infinity, MicrosoftFIFA 14 Wii version will not Uesta morning we echoed statements by Electronic Arts, who claimed not to be developing any game for Wii U. And this also includes its popular FIFA sports series, which this year will not have a new release on the Nintendo console. "Ten months ago we launched FIFA 13 as one of the launch titles for Wii U. Although the game had graphics in HD and innovative ways to play, trading results were disappointing ", declared from the company." So we decided not to develop FIFA 14 for Wii U. "

More news from: FIFA 14, Wii U, Nintendo's next EAEl Direct presents new Smash Bros, Mario 3D and Mario Kartel will host next E3 to witness the presentation of new big titles for Wii U and the new Super Mario in 3D, the new installment of Mario Kart and Smash own Bros.Como Nintendo will not hold a news conference ahead as has been accustomed in recent years, it does issue a Direct Nintendo just before the start of evento.Satoru Iwata, president of the firm, has confirmed in Nintendo of America's Twitter: "talk of the new Smash Bros, Mario Kart and Mario 3D and more titles on the Nintendo Wii U Direct prior to the start of E3. "has not been offered a date but the E3 officially begins on June 11, but from the day 10 most of the companies held their news conference prensa.

Nintendo, E3 2013Killzone Mercenary forward its launch in PS Vita to 4 MercenarySony septiembreKillzone promising confirmed that Killzone: Mercenary for PS Vita will be released in European stores on 4 September, slightly ahead of initial plans of the company. Moreover, those who book this action game developed by Guerrilla Cambridge receive in exchange interesting bonuses, which have been divided into two packages that will be offered in stores participating in this promotion. Package 1: Blackjack Briefcase · Improved score double experience for 48 hours: all contracts, bonuses and rewards Campaign and Multiplayer modes will provide double the experience points

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