If Microsoft incorporates a technology to block used games and Sony does not, then there will be only one winner in the next generation of consoles and will not be Microsoft". "Some chains like GAME business based almost entirely on the second hand market, with deals such as carrying your old games to discount prices in your games," said Chris Muckell, Xpress Games. "Microsoft needs the retail market. If all this is true it would be a big mistake to Microsoft the tip on that channel distribution and on-line activations".
"The block used games would be very bad. Would have a negative effect on both consumers and us. PlayStation 4 seems to not lock, so I guess people will be inclined to buy it instead of the next Xbox" said Paul Whitfield, Games.Más Excite News: Xbox Infinity, Playstation PSVita 4The Tales of "not come to the West" by the poor sales RTítulos portátilTales of Hearts Tales of Innocence R and Tales of Hearts R PSVita not going to get to the West, at least for now, until you take off the sales of the new portable Sony.Hideo Baba, series producer, has spoken to the American website Kotaku about the possible arrival of these titles in the series the West: "Unfortunately, at this time we have no plans to release any of the PSVita titles in the series. A major reason is that relatively little laptop is selling in North America. If the numbers were increased, we would consider." About PlayStation 4, says that technical specifications "very good", but currently have no plans for consola.Más News: Tales of Hearts R, Tales of Innocence R, Drakengard producer VitaEl PS 3 do not think the market Japanese is in decadenciaDrakengard 3Cuanto greater the number of voices claiming that the video game market in Japan is in decline and has lost the potential it had formerly, the producer of Drakengard 3 Takamasa Shiba, has been totally opposed to this idea .
"Everyone says that the gaming market in Japan, especially the console, is sinking. Whenever I hear this, I just think 'how?'" said in an interview with Japanese magazine Famitsu. "The division between what sells and what does not strongly defined, and I agree that the games created for an average user have been falling," but to Shiba, "the number of users is growing games in general. " "I think this is only for users who play video games from time to time which are declining in number," apostilla.Más news: Tori 3Toki Drakengard 2 debuts europeoToki market success 2The Tori Toki Tori 2 remarkable Wii U was premiered with great success in the Nintendo eShop, which has become the best selling game of the moment on the sell your wow gold market it europeo.
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