Saturday, July 27, 2013

WoW and Diogenes syndrome

Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that if World of Warcraft is running more than five years after its release, however much it has two hundred million updates, patches and expansions- is because there is something underneath all the fantasy epic , these medieval magical worlds. 's all about bragging . The bigger you are, the better, the more groovy, better, the more opponents you've swept away; ... When he left Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning  just over a year, no surprise no one tribute to the heroes of battle that materialized in the form of digital statues of the best players in the streets of their capitals. Classic leaderboard, scores list life, it became more obvious than ever. In the end it was all about bragging. And to brag and show off you have to be a good collector , knowing what to collect and what not.

A couple of days, Gonzo Suárez -the Commandos series creator-was present at the presentation that Nintendo made ​​of Wario Ware Do It Yourself and made ​​to analyze how video games and what makes them so attractive (to the about to be addictive), dared to give a clue: "every game should pose a major activity ., for example, argues that the WoW player can exhibit . If WoW could not display, there would be nothing that would retain you hooked to the game ". Click. Gonzo had connected with the idea of bragging in MMOs. " Some say that the main activity is collecting in WoW, there is a certain Diogenes syndrome in the player. But that is only to show off in front of others , "said the creator of Commandos. And a server, why not, we are one hundred percent agree.

Deathwing is, the enemy will emerge from the underworld of Azeroth to put in check the forces of the Alliance and the Horde after the third or fourth quarter of 2010. The picture shows how it appears nothing less than the very gates of Stormwind (Stormwind for followers romantic life).

No one knows the exact origin of this picture, but it's clear that Blizzard will not sit well this fact, because if anything characterizes the firm is to bring in the top secret its developments. Not for nothing is currently finalizing the desired quality process Starcraft 2 (the title of which you can see a complete exclusive interview in the next issue of Player ), and is taking the millimeter every information published about the game .

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